Reporting on Event Sections

Reports can surface information from within individual event sections, including users who complete, or do not complete, assessments, time between invitation to completion, location of assessors and whether trainees and candidates are getting enough of a variation in feedback. 

Logs data stream

The logs data stream allows administrators to report on data in completed event sections (logs).

Every time someone fills in a section of someone else’s event their response is captured as a log. These appear as grey entries on the timeline of the user who contributed the response.

The log data stream is extracting information from these logs.

Most of the information within the logs data stream will only populate with logs created after the release of version 2.23 (21st Sept 2022).

Events data stream

The events data stream allows administrators to report on data within events.

When events are in progress, the events data stream can be used to identify on which user an event is awaiting a response.

Fields and definitions

Section reporting output fields

Data stream

Output Property


Data stream

Output Property


Event & Log

Number of sections

Total number of sections contained in the Event (skipped sections are counted within the total)

Event & Log

Awaiting section number

The section that is awaiting action

Event & Log

Invitation date

The date a user received the invitation to complete a section.


With regards to logs created by the timeline owner, this is the date at which they created the initial draft.

Event & Log

Awaiting response from

User data of the respondee such as Full Name and email 

Event & Log

Role of respondee

Role of the respondee in regard to the section invitation. A respondee may have multiple roles.

Event & Log

Relations of respondee

Any specified relations which were assigned to the respondee at the point of submission of the response 


Time to submit

Calculates the time between event creation and submission



User data of the respondee


Date of submission

Date the event was submitted

Section reporting filters

Data Stream



Event & Log

Number of next section

Section number of section waiting for response


Awaiting response from 

User data of the respondee



User data of the user who completed the section

Event & Log

Role of respondee

Role of the user which allowed them to submit the section

Event & Log

Relations of respondee

Any specified relations assigned to the user who completed the section at the time of submission

Event & Log

Role of owner

Role of the owner of the event

Event & Log

Relations of owner

Any specified relations assigned to the owner of the event

Event & Log

Invitation date

The date a user received the invitation to complete a section.


With regards to logs created by the timeline owner, this is the date at which they created the initial draft.

Event & Log

Date responded

Date on which the section was submitted

Event & Log

Time to submit (in seconds)

The amount of time between receiving the invitation and submitting a response

Event & Log

Section number

The number of the section as specified in the event type workflow

Event & Log

Number of sections

Total number of sections contained within the event type workflow (skipped sections are counted within the total)


Event Type

Name of Event Type


Event Owner

Name of Timeline owner

Suggested use & scenarios

Scenario: Are there respondees who are consistently blocking progression by not completing section invitations in a timely manner? Create a report showing outstanding responses for a time period.

Data stream = Event

Filter on incomplete events created within the desired timeframe

Report output properties

Scenario: Are trainees getting enough variation in assessment responses? Or are the same assessors always signing off the assessment? 

Data stream = Logs

Filter and output properties

Scenario: Report on how long it takes for assessors to respond.

Data stream = Logs

Filter and output properties

Report view


Why is Awaiting Response From “blank”

The ‘awaiting response from’ data field may be null if the event is already complete, or if the event being reported on is a goal in progress.

Why does the data on the Log differ from the Event?

The log always contains the information exactly as the person submitted. In cases where an administrator has amended information on an event, the data viewable by a user in the event could be different from the log. The data in the log is a tracked history of information related to the event. Therefore, when an administrator alters information on an event, the original record is retained in the log file.

Can I use the new log data types within multi reports?

Yes, log reports can be added to multi reports in exactly the same way as Events, Users and Goals.   

Why don’t the new output fields work for all my historic event and log data?

The new functionality only takes effect for events and logs created after the release of risr/advance 2.23 (21st Sept 2022). This is because the data being output with the new functionality was not previously being captured and stored in a way which can be utilised by reports.