User Management

User Management


Everyone that has a risr/advance account within your organisation can be managed by navigating to User management > UsersThis page displays a list of all of the users who you have permissions to view. If you are the super administrator for the organisation then you will of course have access to everyone.


Each user record in the list provides various options to interact with or manage that user:

Summary - Takes you to the overview page for this user. This page can be configured to show whichever information you feel is best in order for other users to gain an overview of that person.
Timeline - Takes you to the full list of this person's shared entries on risr/advance which are ordered chronologically.
Goals - Displays a list of all of the shared goals that this user is working towards.
Documents - All of the external files that this person has uploaded to their risr/advance account. 
New event - This will create a new event for this person directly onto their timeline.
Show audit log - Displays information on the key interactions with this user record, for example when it was created or when a new role was added.
Disable - Prevents the user from being able to login to their account but does not destroy any of their data.


Please see the following pages for further information.