Roles, Permissions & User Management

Roles, Permissions & User Management


You have very fine grained control over what each of your users is able to do within risr/advance. This is done by creating a set of roles, defining a set of permissions for each role and assigning roles to your users 

Users can be assigned multiple roles and will simply receive their aggregated set of permissions.

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Manage Users

Once you have created your roles you can then begin assigning these to your users.

In order for your users to be able to login and begin to record entries in risr/advance they will need an account. All of these accounts are managed from the users listFrom here you can edit their profile information, view a summary of that user's progress and add content to their portfolio.

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Connect Users Together

Some people will need the ability to review the progress of other users. Others may need the ability to manage all users in their particular region. These are just two examples of why you may like your users to be connected together.

Connecting can be done on a one-to-one basis or dynamically as part of a hierarchy and can also be time limited. Hierarchies are defined as a relation.

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