All Bookings

All Bookings

All Bookings is where all Bookings made by all users for all Booking Items can be viewed/amended/deleted. This area of the system is visible to users with administrative permissions and access functions.

All Bookings can be found from the top navigation bar under Bookings > All bookings.

The subsequent page will display all bookings made by all users for all booking items (& options if applicable). It also details the date the booking was created, and the state the booking is currently in.

This list generates in chronological order according to the created date, but can be filtered using the filter card.

Here we can filter bookings in multiple ways - clicking ‘apply filter’ will update the list of bookings accordingly. ‘Reset to default’ will remove any filters and list all bookings once again.


The visible data for each booking can be edited by selecting ‘choose which columns to display’.

This opens up an edit window where you can define the data sets you would like to display:

Viewing individual bookings

By clicking ‘View’ along the booking you wish to open, you are presented with a summary of the booking in it’s current state.

Here we can see that this booking is in the ‘Payment Received’ state and we are given an overview of the candidate’s booking at this point.

Amending or deleting bookings

As this user has an administrative role, there is also the option to amend the application and/or delete.

Clicking ‘Amend application’ opens an editing window where an administrator user can manually transition the booking between states within the workflow.

Clicking ‘Delete’ gives the option to permanently remove the booking entirely.

NOTE: the ability to delete bookings has to be enabled within the workflow set up itself. If this option is not defined, then the option to delete will not be visible at this point.