Item Type | Available Written Marking Types |
Configuration Options for Double Marking Discrepancy
A change was introduced in server versions 8.7 onwards. This has meant there is a change to the default discrepancy (as mentioned above) and this has allowed for customisation of an Instance configuration based on a customer’s individual assessment rules. Below is a table outlining what the original configuration option was (in Version 8.6) and what the possibilities are now, noting the new default. Please raise a ticket with the service desk if you would like to change the configuration of the discrepancy threshold from subpart score to total item score.
Server Version | Senior Marking Required When | Senior Marking is required to mark | What's auto calculated | Where is marking increased |
8.6 | Total Score breached | All sub parts of MWQ | When marking is within tolerance of the threshold, an auto score is generated for all sub parts and total of item | Item score triggers Senior Marking for all sub-parts |
Default in all subsequent versions
8.7.x | Configurable - a) Sub-Part Score | When total breached - only part in breach requires marking | When sub-parts of an item are within threshold, the calculated score cannot be changed | Subpart(s) of item outside of threshold trigger Senior marking for each individual subpart |
8.7.x | Configurable - b) Total Item Score | Only part in breach of variance set | All sub-parts of item within threshold have an auto calculated score that is editable | Item score triggers Senior Marking for subpart(s) outside of threshold |
Configuration of Candidate identifier visible to marker