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New Features

·       The new risr/assess branding has been applied to this version of the app - this is a very large visual change but the functionality of the app remains very similar. See screens and flows below.


·       A new Role Player option to enable the role player to view their notes on the iPad.


·       Improvements to the Examiner and Marshall Help feature - messages can now be selected by the examiner when requesting marshal help. Custom messages can be added to the instance client settings - please contact the risr/ team to make changes. The UI has been revamped for the marshal so it is much more obvious on both their circuit and round overviews when a help request has come in.


·       Expedited examiner processes, they will be taken directly to the candidate's mark sheet when they scan the candidate's QR code.


A number of minor bug fixes are also included

Known issues


  • User is logged out automatically - if the device goes offline while the app is in the background and the user resumes using the app offline, when it then goes online they will be logged out. To work around this issue the user should return to the exams list and select their session again.


  • Application Information dialog is blank - when accessing the “Administrator settings” section of the Application Information if the Back navigation button is used the dialog is empty. To work around this issue close the Application Information dialog and re-open.

  • If the marshal receives a help request from an examiner and the row showing the room that the marshal is in, isn't currently displayed, the marshal cannot see the visual indication of who the help request came from. The notification that appears at the top of the screen does not correctly identify the examiner and the error message “examiner null” may be seen.
    The workaround is to scroll up or down on the page to see the indication next to the examiner's name to identify the room and examiner.

  • Audio resources are currently not supported in the app. Until this has been resolved, please do not use audio files as resources.

  • If the keyboard on the iPad is left open and the submit button is clicked without the user clicking save first, the content of the field is not saved. This can only occur on very short marksheets where the submit button is visible without scrolling. On any marksheet where the user needs to scroll to see the submit button, the scroll action auto saves the content of the field.

  • It is currently possible to submit a marksheet with a mandatory text field where the user has only typed in a carriage return. The field will appear as if it is empty but due to the carriage return, submission is allowed.





Exam list (no exams downloaded to the device)




A custom logo must be added to the client settings for the instance - it is best if landscape with w:h ratio of 2:1, but square works too.


The QR Coder reader, if enabled in the client settings for the site, is now hidden behind the “Scan QR Code” button. To enable the QR code reader contact the risr/ team.

Exam List (exam downloaded to the device)



New QR Code Reader







Examiner Views - Candidate Schedule



Examiner Views - Mark sheet (full-screen)



Examiner Views - Mark sheet (resources)




If candidate devices are being used, conditional release of resources can be enabled in client settings for the instance. Please contact the risr/ team to make changes.


The first set of candidate notes are always visible to the candidate


Candidate Views - Terms and Conditions




Terms and Conditions can be added per instance, they should be supplied as a PDF document. Please contact the risr/ team to add Terms and Conditions to your instance.

Candidate Views - Case Schedule



Candidate Views - Case Overview (first resource revealed)



Marshal Views - Circuit Overview (with help request)



Marshal Views - Round Overview (with help request)



Marshal Views - Round Overview (after confirming help request)




New Flows: Releasing resources

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A resource is released by the examiner clicking “Show to Candidate”


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The resource will be released automatically to the candidate and a preview shown on the right hand column of their case overview.

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If the resource is not automatically released (it can take a short time) the candidate can use the code shown on the examiner’s view to manually unlock the specific resource.

There is a unique code for each resource.

Examiner view

Examiner view

Candidate view

New Flows: Requesting help

Examiner view
Examiner view
Examiner view
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A user can click the Request help option on the bottom right of their candidate schedule or mark sheet screens

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If a list of messages has been added to the instance client settings they will be displayed

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Upon selecting one, the message menu will close and the message is sent automatically. The Request help option will update to Requesting help when the message has been sent.

Marshal view
Marshal view
Marshal view
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on the Circuit Overview the Marshal sees a notification that a user wants help

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on the Round Overview the issue message is displayed as a button and the room highlighted in red

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selecting the help request button the marshal will need to confirm they want to let the user know they have seen the message

Marshal view
Examiner view
Marshal view
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upon confirming, the room background is cleared, but the text stays red and the button remains to remind the marshal that they are expected by the examiner.

<need screenshot of pop-up>

shortly after the examiner will see a pop-up to show that the marshal has seen their request for help

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when the marshal wants to clear the reminder they can click the help request button again and confirm they want to remove the reminder. The examiner will not get any further update.


Where candidate devices are used, the same Help Request flow is available. If both an examiner and a candidate request help only the examiner’s is shown
