Versions Compared


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  • Click Exams from the top menu bar

  • Click + Create Exam

  • Select your exam blueprint. Any information that you have completed in your exam blueprint will automatically be used to create your exam. You can correct all parameters

  • Check the basic exam details as required using the free text boxes or dropdown menus

    • Exam Title - the name of your exam

    • Number of days - the number of days your exam will run on (if this number is more than one then you will need to specify that here as new fields are opened in exam creation)

    • Blocks - for OSCE this is equivalent to one Item Set (per block) within an exam, eg. Paper 1 in the morning and Paper 2 in the afternoon

    • Sessions - the method used for segregating candidates/examiners into different physical locations or different times in a day to enable easier control of your exam

    • Circuits - the number of parallel circuits running simultaneously

    • Exam Venue Candidate Capacity - the number of rooms you are going to have in your circuits

    • Standard Setting Method - the method used for calculating cut scores and used in statistical analysis. This can be changed after the Exam is run.

    • Allowed Marking Discrepancy - this is only applicable to OSCEs where there are two examiners per station

      • Set as 20% - Item out of 10 - one marker 8/10 one marker 5/10 discrepancy is 3 which is above  20% - 2

      • Double marking is a back-end configuration and is only available upon request. Please get in touch with one of our team if you would like more information on this.

  • Click Create Exam


  • Answer Order - for certain Item types it is possible to randomise the answer order (at Item creation stage the answer order was defined to be default or custom. For any Item where a custom order was defined, randomising the Answer Order at Exam set up will have no effect. For all Items where the Answer order was left as default (alphanumeric) then the selection here will impact those Items.

  • Question Randomisation - this setting will give each Candidate a randomised order of questions (Items)

  • Copy/Paste - Enables candidate to copy information from the question/resource and paste into notes

  • Highlighting - Enables highlighting function for candidate to highlight important information in the question text

  • Calculator - enables the use of in-built calculator function

  • Note - Enables the use of in-built mini text editor for candidate to make notes only visible to them

  • Resource Grid view - Enables multiple resources to be simultaneously displayed in a grid format

  • Backwards navigation - If enabled, candidate can navigate freely between all items and answer them in any order. If disabled, candidates are restricted to moving through the exam consecutively and are required to answer each item before they can progress to the next.

  • Answer Elimination - allow students to strikethrough an answer so they can rule out some answers they are certain are incorrectProctoring - only applicable to remote Written Exams for when the Exam is not centrally managed in a college administered location

  • Exam Timing - If enabled, the exam timing can be configured to specify the duration of the exam. If disabled, candidates have no time limits imposed.

    • Exam start mode - Timer starts when Exam starts - this is pushed by an Administrator in the backend

    • Timer starts when user logs in - started in backend at 9:00 but candidate logs in at 9:10 so timer starts from 9:10

    • Counting Up or Down - this setting changes whether the timer counts down to 0 or up to the maximum Exam time allowed

    • Exam Duration - the maximum allowed time for the Exam

    • Reading Time - Provides time before the start of the examination for the candidate and examiner to read any required information

    • Notification of time remains - the system will automatically prompt candidates with warning messages notifying them of the time remains at set intervals

  • Marking type - Allows you to preselect marking type. This can also be selected post exam.

  • Allowed marking discrepancy [%] - Only applicable for double marked items. Provide allowed discrepancy value as % of item max score.



It is not possible to add more Candidates than there are available Rooms in the Rotation

  • Clicking Manage Sessions - manage sessions is only for reporting purposes?

  • Clicking Notify Candidates will enable you to send an email from risr/assess to all candidates scheduled for the Exam

    • From the dropdown menus provided you can change the following settings:

      • Notify - notify everyone participating or only previously unnotified candidates

      • Session date - filter candidates to notify by Session date

      • Session - filter candidates to notify by Session

      • Circuit - filter candidates to notify by Circuit

      • Click Populate Recipients to generate a list of Candidates emails based on your filters

    • Using the Free text boxes provided you can then write:

      • Subject - the subject for the email

      • Message - the main body for the email

    • Recipients - these will have been populated by using the above filters or you can manually write candidates emails here (separated by a comma)

    • Attachment - click Choose file if you wish to add an attachment to the email

    • Redirect to - this can be used for testing purposes to redirect all emails to another email address before sending the confirmed message to candidates

    • Click Send notification emails to send the email

  • Clicking Download Candidate Data will give you a spreadsheet download of candidate information which includes:

    • ID

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • E-mail

    • Password

    • Block

    • Date

    • Session

    • Room

    • Circuit

    • Last Change (to candidate user profile in the system)

    • Preferance (language preference)

    • Time Zone (candidate timezone)


Ensure both panes are locked before proceeding

  • Candidates

  • Item Sets

Click Exams from the top menu bar and locate the Exam just created. A number of options and overviews are not available to view.

View Sessions

  • View Rotation - provides an overview of the rotation for the Exam

  • View Schedule - provides the same information as in View Rotation but in list format

  • View Rooms - provides you with the ability to change candidates if necessary

  • View Starting Rooms  - where you can change the ordering of the stations - this is the place where clients can design where the rest stations go - has to be done for each individual circuit per exam - can also change examiners

  • View intersect report - downloads excel spreadsheet of everything

  • Masterplan is mostly Examiner allocation

Examiners Availability report

Download Candidate Allocation


Exam details

  • View

  • View Seating - list of students

  • View history - audit log of administration against Exam

  • Change date

  • Download Candidate Allocation  - same as download candidate data

  • Continue Preparation - back to exam prep

  • Run session on paper - pushes exam to IN MARKING STATE. Downloads all content that you would need to run the session on paper, zip files

  • Gives pdfs of everything run

  • Publish to devices - this is the point that information is available on P4B to get into the Exam, if Exam PIN is applicable then candidate can use if they have the PIN. Otherwise Admin will click start and it will be ready. OUT risr management for candidates like emails etc

  • Available on Dashboard


Reset Exam Day

  • With admin secret code - will delete all data associated with that exam - all answers/responses will be removed