Booking type - allows you to group booking items together under a common type. This can help with reporting across multiple booking items.
User ability to book this option - controls onto which option your users are actually submitting their booking.
Date - the date(s) on which this is taking place. This can be spread over multiple days.
Pricing - the cost of the option and the accepted payment method(s)
Capacity - the number of places available for this option
Venue - the venue at which this is occurring
Booking window - the dates and times between which this is available to book
Form workflow - the application form and associated workflow which users will submit in order to book
Eligibility - allows you to control which users are eligible to book. If left empty all users in the system will be eligible.
Restricted roles -
Metadata - allows you to define any custom metadata. This is primarily for the utilisation during integration work using our API.
Allows you to create multiple options within the same booking item. Options can be created as a hierarchy and each will inherit the settings from the above configuration unless overridden.
By default the lowest options in the hierarchy are those onto which users will be booking. If you wish them to be booking onto a level higher than the lowest then please choose this by using the user ability to booking this option setting on your chosen options.