- Click on the Items tab.
- Click on Create new Item.
The next screen creates the outline of the item.
The Case number is automatically generated. - In Item Title enter a name for your question.
- For Item Type choose ‘OSCE Station’.
- Click on Create Item.
The next screen lets you enter information about the station useful for record keeping. You can enter details such as patient name and age and a summary of what the station involves e.g. History examination and blood results. We will not change any for now. Click Save Item.
The next screen shows a new set of tabs:- Item Information: The information you just entered and versioning
- Item resources: Add images, examiner info documents, actor briefings, student briefings, videos etc. to a station
- Blueprinting: Add ‘dimensions’ for automatic generation of exams
- Marksheet: Here you specify what questions the examiners should answer and how. You are creating the mark sheet.
- Item overview: Summary of the station
- Item Performance: Shows reports of how the station has performed in previous exams
- Go to the Item resources tab.
Here you can upload any images or information packs you want to be visible on the ipad. - Click Add a resource.
- In Resource Type, choose Examiner Notes.
- Click Choose File and select a PDF of examiner notes.
- New fields (Dim not for items, Archived bp dimension, ...) appears. For now ignore them.
- Click Add Resource.
- Click on the Marksheet tab.
- Click on Add new criteria. (In fact there are two buttns with same text Add new criteria - use the first one.)
You should get a popup allowing you to enter the question information.
This tutorial presumes that your local administrator has set up the system so that it contains a Section called "Marks". If a Section has not been set, please follow the instructions on how to set up Sections in the blue box.
Warning To set up a Marksheet Section:
1. Settings > Manage Sections > Provide a section name e.g. "Marks" > Add Section
- In Section, choose ‘Marks’ – the section is the heading it will appear under.
- In Text, type the question to be answered. For example: “How well did the candidate perform?”
- The Type selection shows the ways in which the question can be answered, the ones you are likely to use are:
- Discrete: Select from a choice of values, e.g. 1, 2, 3 or good, ok, poor.
- Free text: A box in which to type whatever you like.
- For now, choose ‘Free Text’
- In Weight, type 0
Weight indicates how much a question is worth relatively for automatic marking. 0 means the result has no bearing. 1 Would be a normal marking, 2 would be worth double etc. Having mandatory unchecked means the examiner does not have to fill in the question. - Make sure Mandatory is not ticked.
- Leave Feedback visible to candidate not ticked.
- Click Save.
However, what if we wanted a ‘Pass’, ‘Borderline’, ‘Fail’ option for the question? - At the top bar, click on the Settings tab, then Manage Schemas
The schema page allows you to make custom mark types for questions. - Type a name (i.e. Good/Average/Bad) into the ‘Add a new schema’ box and click Add.
- Find the name you typed in the above list and click Edit Answer.
Now you can see the list of answers you can select for this question. - In Title, type ‘Pass’ – This is the name that appears on the screen
- In Value, type 2 – These are the points awarded to the candidate if the examiner chooses that answer.
- Click Add.
- Repeat this process for ‘Borderline’ – 1 and ‘Fail’ – 0
Now we can go back to our station. - Click the Items tab again
- Find your earlier station and click View.
- Click on the Marksheet tab
- Click on Edit next to the marking criteria you opted for previously. In Type, choose ‘Discrete’ instead of 'Free text'
- A new ‘Schema’ box will appear. Choose the name you gave to your schema.
- In Weight, type 1.
- Tick Mandatory and then click .
- Leave Feedback visible to candidate not ticked.
- Click Save.
Now we need to submit the station. We won’t be sending this question for review, we will approve it immediately: - Click Submit for Review.
- Leave the options as-is and click Submit.
- Click Approve (Green button).
- Click Approve (Blue button).