- Click on the Items tab.
- Click on Create new Item.
The next screen creates the outline of the item.
The Case number is automatically generated. - In Item Title enter a name for your question.
- For Item Type choose ‘OSCE Station’.
- Click on Create Item.
The next screen lets you enter information about the station useful for record keeping. You can enter details such as patient name and age and a summary of what the station involves e.g. History examination and blood results. We will not change any for now. Click Save Item.
The next screen shows a new set of tabs:- Item Information: The information you just entered and versioning
- Item resources: Add images, examiner info documents, actor briefings, student briefings, videos etc. to a station
- Blueprinting: Add ‘dimensions’ for automatic generation of exams
- Marksheet: Here you specify what questions the examiners should answer and how. You are creating the mark sheet.
- Item overview: Summary of the station
- Item Performance: Shows reports of how the station has performed in previous exams
- Go to the Item resources tab.
Here you can upload any images or information packs you want to be visible on the ipad. - Click Add a resource.
- In Resource Type, choose Examiner Notes.
- Click Choose File and select a PDF of examiner notes.
- New fields (Dim not for items, Archived bp dimension, ...) appears. For now ignore them.
- Click Add Resource.
- Click on the Marksheet tab.
- Click on Add new criteria. . (In fact there are two buttns with same text Add new criteria - use the first one.)
You should get a popup allowing you to enter the question information.
This tutorial presumes that your local administrator has set up the system so that it contains a Section called "Marks". If a Section has not been set, please follow the instructions on how to set up Sections in the blue box.
Warning To set up a Marksheet Section:
1. Settings > Manage Sections > Provide a section name e.g. "Marks" > Add Section
- In Section, choose ‘Marks’ – the section is the heading it will appear under.
- In Text, type the question to be answered. For example: “How well did the candidate perform?”
- The Type selection shows the ways in which the question can be answered, the ones you are likely to use are:
- Discrete: Select from a choice of values, e.g. 1, 2, 3 or good, ok, poor.
- Free text: A box in which to type whatever you like.
- For now, choose ‘Free Text’
- In Weight, type 0
Weight indicates how much a question is worth relatively for automatic marking. 0 means the result has no bearing. 1 Would be a normal marking, 2 would be worth double etc. Having mandatory unchecked means the examiner does not have to fill in the question. - Make sure Mandatory is not ticked.
- Leave Feedback visible to candidate not ticked.
- Click Save.
However, what if we wanted a ‘Pass’, ‘Borderline’, ‘Fail’ option for the question? - At the top bar, click on the Settings tab, then Manage Schemas (Missing image)
The schema page allows you to make custom mark types for questions. - Type a name (i.e. Good/Average/Bad) into the ‘Add a new schema’ box and click Add.
- Find the name you typed in the above list and click Edit Answer.
Now you can see the list of answers you can select for this question. - In Title, type ‘Pass’ – This is the name that appears on the screen
- In Value, type 2 – These are the points awarded to the candidate if the examiner chooses that answer.
- Click Add.
- Repeat this process for ‘Borderline’ – 1 and ‘Fail’ – 0
Now we can go back to our station. - Click the Items tab again
- Find your earlier station and click View.
- Click on the Marksheet tab
- Click on Edit next to the marking criteria you opted for previously. In Type, choose ‘Discrete’ instead of 'Free text'
- A new ‘Schema’ box will appear. Choose the name you gave to your schema.
- In Weight, type 1.
- Tick Mandatory and then click Save.
Now we need to submit the station. We won’t be sending this question for review, we will approve it immediately: - Click Submit for Review.
- Leave the options as-is and click Submit.
- Click Approve (Green button).
- Click Approve (Blue button).
Your exam is now complete! Results are available in the ‘Exams’ section, by clicking Set Standard.
Olda notes and additions are marked by color (orange). At least English should be checked.