Versions Compared


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  1. Set up your blueprint
  2. Create your OSCE stations (in Items)
  3. Combine OSCE stations into an Exam (in Item Sets)
  4. Schedule your Exam
  5. Start Exam
  6. Deliver Exam

Logging In

  1. Log into Practique. 
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  2. Once logged into Practique, you will see the tab bar at the top:

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Each tab means as follows: 

  • Dashboard: where your current exams show
  • Blueprints: the framework of the exam
  • Items: the questions or stations
  • Item Sets: the papers or collections of stations that make up a particular exam
  • Exams: where you create the exams; details including date, time, standard setting to be used etc.
  • Resources: where you upload documents used for each station e.g. Examiner info pack, actor briefing notes, student briefing. It can include documents, images, videos etc.
  • Reports: where you find reports on completed exams. Note: not covered in this basic tutorial
  • Help: access to Knowledge Base to get further help, Services Desk to report problems or bugs, Practique HQ for updates about Practique Note: not covered in this basic tutorial
  • Settings: access to user management, device management, OSCE global marking settings and candidates & examiners management



This is how you can define the information about the structure of the exam.

  1. Click on the blueprints tab.Click onBlueprints tab. 
    You are presented wit this screen: 
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    In order to run an exam in Practique you do not need a Master Blueprint but you always need to set your Exam Blueprint. 

  2. Click on Create Exam Blueprints.

    The next screen you see is the create exam blueprint page.



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  2. Give the exam a name. (


    Remember it, you’ll need it later!)

  3. For exam type,

    choose ‘OSCE’

    select OSCE.

  4. Exam size is the number of different questions or stations you need.


    For now, enter 2.


  1. The remaining 4 questions are optional. For now, we will leave them blank. But explanations have been provided below.


    • Exam venue candidate capacity
    - This
    • : This is the number of candidates per circuit. Include rest stations in this number.
    Block – Is the
    • Number of blocks: the number of sets of questions used in a day. If 1 set of questions is being used all day it would be 1 block
    , if
    • . If 2 sets of questions are being used it would be 2 blocks.
    Session – Is the
    • Number of sessions: the number of times the exam repeats itself in a day.
    Circuit – this is the
    • Number of circuits: the number of simultaneous exams (rotations) running
    , for
    • . For example, if using two rooms of 10 stations each, with each candidate taking 10 stations, you would enter 2.


    • Standard setting method: the default standard setting for the exam. If you select one at this stage, it can be changed at a later stage. 

  1. Click on Create Blueprint
    You are now taken to a screen to edit constraints for your exam. Constraints are limitations on the structure of the exam. This would be needed if you wanted to allow the questions to be automatically selected from a bank of questions. We won’t look at these for now.
  1. Click


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  2. Click on Back to Blueprints.


This is how you create stations.

  1. Click on the items Items tab.
  2. Click on Create new Item
    The next screen creates the outline of the item.
    In ‘Item Title’ Image Added
    The Case number is automatically generated. 
  3. In Item Title enter a name for your question.
  4. For ‘Item Type’ Item Type choose ‘OSCE Station’.
  5. Click on Create Item
    The next screen lets you enter information about the station useful for record keeping. You can enter details such as patient name and age and a summary of what the station involves e.g. History examination and blood results. We


  1. will not change any for now.
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  2. Press Save Item
    The next screen shows a new set of tabs:
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    • Item Information: The information you just entered and versioning
    • Item


    • resources:


    •  Add images, examiner info documents, actor briefings, student briefings, videos etc. to a station
    • Blueprinting: Add ‘dimensions’ for automatic generation of exams
    • Marksheet: Here you specify what questions the examiners should answer and how. You are creating the mark sheet.
    • Item overview: Summary of the station
    • Item Performance: Shows reports of how the station has performed in previous exams


  1. Go to the item Item resources Tab tab.
    Here you can upload any images or information packs you want to be visible on the ipad.
  2. Click Add a resource
  3. In resource type Resource Type, choose ‘Examiner Notes’ Examiner Notes.
  4. Press  and select the provided Choose File and select a PDF of examiner notes.
  5. Press Add Resource
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  6. Click  on the Marksheet Tab tab. 
  7. Click on Add new criteria
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  8. You should get a popup allowing you to enter the question information

    This tutorial presumes that your local administrator has set up the system so that it contains a Section called "Marks". If a Section has not been set, please follow the instructions on how to set up Sections in the blue box.

    In section

    To set up a Marksheet Section:

    1. Settings > Manage Sections > Provide a section name e.g. "Marks" > Add Section

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  9. In Section, choose ‘Marks’ – the section is the heading it will appear under.
  10. In text Text, type the question to be answered, for . For example: “How well did the candidate perform?”
  11. The


  1. Type selection shows the ways in which the question can be answered, the ones you are likely to use are:

    • Discrete: Select from a choice of values, e.g. 1, 2, 3 or good, ok, poor.
    • Free text: A box in which to type whatever you like.
  2. For now, choose ‘Free Text’
  3. In ‘Weight’ Weight, type 0Make sure ‘Mandatory’ is not ticked.

    Weight indicates how much a question is worth relatively for automatic marking. 0 means the result has no bearing. 1 Would be a normal marking, 2 would be worth double etc. Having mandatory unchecked means the examiner does not have to fill in the question.

  4. Make sure Mandatory is not ticked.
  5. Press Save.

    However, what if we wanted a ‘Pass’, ‘Borderline’, ‘Fail’ option for the question?

  6. At the very top of the page, choose ‘Settings’ bar, click on the Settings tab, then ‘Manage Schemas’ Manage Schemas
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    The schema page allows you to make custom mark types for questions.

  7. Type a name into the ‘Add a new schema’ box and press Add
  8. Find the name you typed in the above list and press Edit Answer

    Now you can see the list of answers you can select for this question.
  9. In Title, type ‘Pass’ – This is the name that appears on the screen
  10. In Value, type 2 – These are the points awarded to the candidate if the examiner chooses that answer.
  11. Press Add
  12. Repeat this process for ‘Borderline’ – 1 and ‘Fail’ – 0

    Now we can go back to our station.

  13. Click the ‘Item’s Items tab again
  14. Find your earlier station and press View
  15. Click on the ‘Marksheet’ Marksheet tab
  16. Repeat the process for making a question, but when it comes to Type, choose ‘Discrete’
  17. A new ‘Schema’ box will appear. Choose the name you gave to your schema.
  18. In weight Weight, type 1.
  19. Tick ‘Mandatory’ and then Mandatory and then click Save

    Now we need to submit the station. We won’t be sending this question for review, we will approve it immediately:

  20. Press Submit for Review
  21. Leave the options as-is and press Submit.
  22. Press Approve.
  23. Press Approve

Congratulations, that station is ready to go. Try repeating the whole process to make a second station. Give it a different name and questions.


Item Sets

In the item sets tab, you will be able to combine stations into an exam, or questions into a paper.
